• Portata: Secondi
  • Difficoltà: Intermedia
  • Preparazione: 26 min
  • Cottura: 10 min
  • Spicchi d'Aglio 2
  • Tartufo Bianco Acqualagna Tartufi 80 g
  • Radicchio 150 g
  • Rucola 40 g
  • Salvia q.b.
  • Rosmarino q.b.
  • Finocchietto selvatico q.b.
  • Olio Extravergine Conventino di Monteciccardo q.b.
  • Sale Fino q.b.
  • Pepe Nero di Mulinello q.b.
  • Capocollo 500 g
Production quality. The high quality in the production and the taste of a production made in house along with a structured customer service are the guiding principles of the entire process for Acqualagna Tartufi Company.In the Establishment happen all the steps of the production process: the selection of the best fresh fruits, cleaning, cooking traditional recipes, sterilization and packaging. The whole chain meets European CEE to ensure a wide range of products based on truffles safe and controlled. Capocollo at low temperature with White Truffle of Acqualagna Tartufi. Ingredients Directions Season the capocollo slices, put them in equal parts into the vacuum bags with 2 leaves of sage, a branchlet of rosemary and wild fennel, half a clove of garlic and Cartoceto extra virgin olive oil. Seal them. For cooking, use a Roner at 62° for about 18 hours (a thermostatic water bath device for cooking). Wash arugula and radicchio salad under cold water and spin dry. Cut them into julienne strips. Open the vacuum bags, remove the liquid from the meat and cook in a non-stick roasting pan with little oil. Lay the slices of meat over arugula and radicchio salad on a serving dish. Garnish with White truffle slices or Black Truffle slices (according to seasons and availability). Serve immediately. Acqualagna Tartufi Company invites you at the National Truffle Fair of Acqualagna (25/10/2015-31/10/2015-1/11/2015), in the province of Pesaro and Urbino, to taste and buy its fresh and preserved products, traditional delicacies from Marche region.   Details Workshop address: Via C. Colombo, 2/A Acqualagna tel. e fax 0721/797031 shop address: P.zza E. Mattei, 8 bis Acqualagna info@acqualagnatartufi.com Translation by: Roberta Guidi rguidi@email.it 3391963583          

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