- Costine Maiale 12
- Olio Extravergine di Oliva q.b.
- Sale Fino q.b.
- Pepe Nero q.b.
- Aglio q.b.
- Rosmarino q.b.
- Peperoni Rossi q.b.
- Zucchero Lalli Arancia e Cannella 20 g
- Aceto di Mele 200 g
- Acqua 50 g
- Sale Fino 5 g
- Fecola q.b.
Condite le costine di maiale con sale fino, pepe nero, olio extra vergine, aglio, rosmarino.
Inserite in una busta sottovuoto da cottura.
Cucinate a 72° C per 12 ore.
Lavate i peperoni rossi, tagliate a fette sottili.
Preparate un caramello biondo, decuocete con aceto e acqua tiepidi, portate a bollore.
Versate i peperoni aggiungete il pizzico di sale, fate cucinare per 5 minuti.
Frullate tutto al minipimer e legate con fecola diluita in acqua.
Aprite la busta delle costine, scolate, scottate in padella antiaderente o alla griglia.
Servite accompagnate con la salsa agrodolce aromatizzata allo zucchero Lalli arancia e cannella.
Guranite con i germogli di porro.
Today we have pork ribs made with a very precious and ancient ingredients: sugar Lalli. This brings flavours of orange and cinnamon to the tender, slow-cooked pork ribs. The lalli sugar enriches the dish with intense and natural aromas, to amaze your palate.
Slow-cooked pork ribs with a sweet and spicy sauce.
12 pork ribs
Extra vergine olive oil
Fine salt
Black pepper
300g red pepper
100g sugar
20g sugar lalli orange and cinnamon
200g cider vinegar
50g water
5g salt some flour
1- in a vacuum bag, season the pork ribs with the salt, pepper, garlic, rosemary and olive oil.
2- slow-cook for 12 hours at 72 c
3- wash and thinly slice the red pepper
4- boil the sugar, vinegar and water until it caramelises
5- add the pepper and a pinch of salt, and cook for 5 minuets
6- take an electric whisk. Whilst whisking add the flour (diluted with water)
7- remove the pork ribs from the bag and either grill or fry
8- serve with the sweet and spicy sauce